As a writer, you learn to take inspiration whenever it comes. Inspiration does not knock every day. Usually you have to dig it up when it is needed. So I watch for nuggets of wisdom. Disney Channel (insert necessary copyright, legal stuff here) was my source last night. A line from the movie was, "I'm tired of being angry all the time. " The gist was the charactor was simply not going to be angry anymore.
I can relate to that. For weeks now, one thing or another has made me stressed and usually angry. Mostly it has originated through work, but a few physical problems have added to this almost daily frustration.
But what a simple way to look at it. "I'm tired of being angry all the time."
What has the anger gotten me? I think I have lost weight. I was not really heavy to begin with, but now most of my pants do not fit. No one that I was angry at has changed their habits which made me angry. I have not persuaded even one person to do things 'my way.' So I have taken all the consequences of the anger myself. Is that fair? I'm not angry with myself so why am I the one who is suffering?
Any psychiatrists that are reading this--chew on that. I know easy stuff.